How old is RiceGum?
RiceGum was born on 19 November 1996.
RiceGum is 28 years old.
How old is RiceGum in days now?
RiceGum is 28 years 4 months 9 days old.
Total 10,356 days old now.
When is the next birthday of RiceGum?
RiceGum's next birthday is in 7 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of RiceGum?
Zodiac sign of RiceGum is Scorpio.
RiceGum (his real name is Bryan Quang Le) is a famous YouTuber and vlogger who became popular due to his funny and stylish videos, sometimes a bit controversial though. He was born in 1996 in Las Vegas, to a family of Vietnamese and Chinese origins. He started his online presence on where he used to post a series of videos named These Kids Must Be Stopped focused on criticizing and making fun of other popular Internet celebrities like Jacob Sartorius, Bark Thomas, etc. He used to be a great fan of video and computer games, especially The Call of Duty. He launched his YouTube Channel in 2012, and in his first videos he was talking about himself and about his life as well as his hobbies. Surprisingly, he managed to attract a huge audience, which pushed him to create new extraordinary videos and clips. As of the late 2024, there are over 14 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, and RiceGum is known as quite a controversial vlogger, with plenty of embarrassing and not quite decent topics discussed. He has quite a wide presence in today's online media, including Twitter and Instagram. RiceGum spends quite a lot of time creating and improving his internet content ideas. His "diss tracks" are his trademark which made him recognizable and unique. Currently, he lives in LA with his friends and his girlfriend, Alissa Violet, who is helping him create and record his new diss tracks.
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