How old is Remy Ma?

Remy Ma was born on 30 May 1980.
Remy Ma is 44 years old.

How old is Remy Ma in days now?

Remy Ma is 44 years 9 months 24 days old.
Total 16,371 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Remy Ma?

Remy Ma's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Remy Ma?

Zodiac sign of Remy Ma is Gemini.

Remy Ma is a successful American hip hop singer with quite a difficult life who is known for her hits with the rap group Terror Squad. Born Reminisce Mackie in 1980 in The Bronx, NYC, she grew up in a quite crowded family and had a hard childhood as she had to look after her smaller siblings due to the health problems of her parents. Remy started rapping and freestyling in her late teen ages, and she turned out to be very talented in that. In the early 2000s, she met a rapper Big Pun who helped her in making her first steps in rapping. Remy has recorded 2 solo albums and 2 collaborative albums. She is famous for her hits like Lean Back, On The Way Up, Antes Up, and others. Remy Ma also took part in a number of TV shows and programs related to music and hip hop style.

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