How old is Reif Harrison?
Reif Harrison was born on 20 January 2006.
Reif Harrison is 19 years old.
How old is Reif Harrison in days now?
Reif Harrison is 19 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 7,007 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Reif Harrison?
Reif Harrison's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Reif Harrison?
Zodiac sign of Reif Harrison is Aquarius.
Reif Harrison is a handsome dancer who became known for his cool videos and projects together with his sister McKenzie Brooke. Born in 2006 in the US, he has been interested in dancing since his early age and received some great training in that. He grew up alongside his siter and together with her they use to learn to dance and share a popular YouTube channel titled McKenzi and Reif where it is possible to find a great number of videos with the examples of truly unique and interesting choreography from the two. Reif Harrison can be found on TikTok where the number of his fans is close to 2 million people (as of the early 2025) as well as on Instagram where he has been present since 2016. He has been one of immaBEAST, a known and popular dance community.