How old is Reggie Hacker?
Reggie Hacker was born on 28 September 2004.
Reggie Hacker is 20 years old.
How old is Reggie Hacker in days now?
Reggie Hacker is 20 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 7,465 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Reggie Hacker?
Reggie Hacker's next birthday is in 6 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Reggie Hacker?
Zodiac sign of Reggie Hacker is Libra.
Reggie Hacker is a very cute curly-haired TikToker who has recently become known ad joined a list of the most trending TikTokers of today. Born in 2004 in Washington, he spent his early childhood in Seattle, alongside his family. It was his elder brother Vinnie Hacker who inspired him to launch his TikTok channel and share the interesting videos and ideas that Reggie has had for a long time. As of the mid 2023, the channel titled reggiesahacker has been operating only for two and a half year, but the number of fans there is approaching to 150 thousand people, which is a great success. It is possible to find plenty of entertaining and funny staff there, including some pranks, challenges, comic situations from his daily life, as well as cool covers of some songs and such. He also has his personal Instagram page which is the place to see some great photos and cool videos of his as well. Reggie Hacker is a very young social media user and he will definitely become a star thanks to his talent and creativity.
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