How old is Ray William Johnson?

Ray William Johnson was born on 14 August 1981.
Ray William Johnson is 43 years old.

How old is Ray William Johnson in days now?

Ray William Johnson is 43 years 7 months 15 days old.
Total 15,933 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ray William Johnson?

Ray William Johnson's next birthday is in 4 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ray William Johnson?

Zodiac sign of Ray William Johnson is Leo.

Ray William Johnson is a handsome and charismatic YouTube star who is the author of a few web series and also a musician whose music can be found on Spotify. Ray came to this world in 1981 in Oklahoma and spent his childhood years in Oklahoma City where he was raised by his parents alongside his younger brother. He studied history at Oklahoma University but dropped out to study law and also pursue his career as a social media influencer which he started in the late 2000s. At that time, his YouTube channel was among the most quickly growing one, and Ray managed to attract his first 5 million followers quite fast. The secret of his success was the idea to make a web series called "Equals Three" which was a commentary series on various historic and modern events. Later on he came up with the ideas for other series like Riley Rewind, Booze Lightyear, Comedians On, etc. Since the mid 2010s he has been involved in various music related projects. His recent trend is adding some animated videos to his content which turned out to be a very successful idea. Ray William Johnson is engaged to his long time girlfriend Kelly Farrell.

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