How old is Ranger Ortiz?
Ranger Ortiz was born on 26 October 2018.
Ranger Ortiz is 6 years old.
How old is Ranger Ortiz in days now?
Ranger Ortiz is 6 years 5 months 2 days old.
Total 2,345 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ranger Ortiz?
Ranger Ortiz's next birthday is in 6 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ranger Ortiz?
Zodiac sign of Ranger Ortiz is Scorpio.
Ranger Ortiz is a young social media star known as a member of the Ortiz star family and the younger brother of Txunamy. Born in 2018 in California, he grew up alongside his parents Esthela Ortiz and Sdiezzel, and his superstar star siblings. His elder sister Txunamy is one of the most popular teen social media stars, and his other sister is Solage Ortiz who is really famous on Instagram. His elder brother Diezel Ortiz has been running a famous Instagram account, and Ocean Ortiz is a rising social media star who came to this world in the early 2024. He appears in most of the family videos which can be watched in the family's YouTube channel titled Familia Diamond. His personal YouTube channel was launched by his family before Ranger was born. He also has his personal Instagram account where the number of the followers is close to a third of a million. His YouTube channel has a record number of views exceeding 2.5 billion. Ranger Ortiz is a very cute kid who is loved by all the fans of his family!
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