How old is Queen Naija?

Queen Naija was born on 17 October 1995.
Queen Naija is 29 years old.

How old is Queen Naija in days now?

Queen Naija is 29 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 10,755 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Queen Naija?

Queen Naija's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Queen Naija?

Zodiac sign of Queen Naija is Libra.

Born on October 17th 1995, Queen Naija is a young YouTube star, a fashion, and cosmetics enthusiast, a singer and a songwriter. She became famous after her participation in American Idol, Season 8, and she started developing her career as a vlogger in her YouTube channel. As of the late 2023, she has over 5.1 million subscribers and she continues posting plenty of interesting stuff. She was married to Christopher Sails, her friend since high school and a famous YouTuber, too. Together, they created a great number of videos and really funny pranks. The couple also has a son, Chris, but they split up in 2017. In the early 2020s Queen Naija started working on recording her first studio album titled Missundrestood. It was released later in the year and became one of Billboard Top 10 albums of the year.

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