How old is Psy?

Psy was born on 31 December 1977.
Psy is 47 years old.

How old is Psy in days now?

Psy is 47 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 17,255 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Psy?

Psy's next birthday is in 9 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Psy?

Zodiac sign of Psy is Capricorn.

Psy is a famous Korean pop singer, rapper, musician, and producer, known as the King of Gangnam Style. He was born in 1977 in Seoul and his real name is Park Jae-Sang. He grew up in a rich family: his father was the CEO of a corporation and his mum was the owner of a few restaurants. Park grew up like a bad boy and wasn't good at anything at school. He wasn't interested in music until he was 15 when one day he saw a recording of Queen and Freddie Mercury performing their epic "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the Wembley Stadium. That changed the life of the young man. In the late 1990s, his parents sent Park to the US to study business, and that's where he started rapping. After being back to South Korea Psy took plenty of lessons in dancing, acting, etc., so in the early 2000s, he began appearing on national TV,  as well as released his first studio album which was immediately followed by two more. There were a few interesting singles that made Psy famous in his home country. However, it took him almost 10 years to come up with his epic hit "Gangnam Style" and gain worldwide popularity. For the song, he received a large number of awards including the MTV award and others. Psy was among the pioneers of the Korean culture becoming popular all around the world and he keeps on contributing to the promotion of his own culture. Psy is also mentioned in the Guinness Record Book as the author and performer of the song ("Gangnam Style") which is the most viewed and the most liked video online.

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