How old is Prodigy?
Prodigy was born on 26 December 1996.
Prodigy is 28 years old.
How old is Prodigy in days now?
Prodigy is 28 years 3 months 4 days old.
Total 10,321 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Prodigy?
Prodigy's next birthday is in 8 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Prodigy?
Zodiac sign of Prodigy is Capricorn.
Prodigy is a rapper and a musician from Philadelphia who is also the lead singer of the band Mindless Behavior. He was born Craig Crippen in 1996 and grew up in Philadelphia, alongside his three siblings. As a child, he loved listening to songs of Michael Jackson and when he was 12 years old Craig became a member of a boy band Mindless Behavior as one of the lead singers. It was a great beginning of his career as he could manage to establish great connections in the show business world. The band toured with such singers as Justin Bieber, Backstreet Boys, and many more. Their singles "My Girl" and "Mr. Right" entered R&B Billboard charts. With the band, Prodigy recorded 3 studio albums and took part in a large number of various projects. He was the first to leave the band and get focused on his solo career, giving this way the example to the other members.