How old is Prince Royce?

Prince Royce was born on 11 May 1989.
Prince Royce is 35 years old.

How old is Prince Royce in days now?

Prince Royce is 35 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 13,106 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Prince Royce?

Prince Royce's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Prince Royce?

Zodiac sign of Prince Royce is Taurus.

Prince Royce is a famous Latino singer and songwriter. He was born in 1989 in the Bronx and has been interested in music since his early ages. He started writing his own songs and dreaming about developing a career in music since his early teen ages. When Royce was 19 he attracted the attention of a local producer who introduced the young man to the city's show business circles. Royce released his first studio album in 2010 and it contained one of his best-known hits "Corazon Sin Cara". His second studio album reached number 1 in all Latin music hit parades, and his third studio album released in 2013 brought Royce a Grammy nomination. In 2015 he recorded his fourth solo album which included a few songs in English. His fifth studio album was recorded in collaboration with such stars as Snoop Lion, Jennifer Lopez, and others. Prince Royce is married to an American actress Emeraude Toubia.

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