How old is Preslee Faith?
Preslee Faith was born on 2 December 2008.
Preslee Faith is 16 years old.
How old is Preslee Faith in days now?
Preslee Faith is 16 years 3 months 10 days old.
Total 5,944 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Preslee Faith?
Preslee Faith's next birthday is in 8 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Preslee Faith?
Zodiac sign of Preslee Faith is Sagittarius.
An extremely cute and sweet TikTok star, Preslee Faith was born in 2008 in Texas and was raised by her parents in Texas, alongside her three siblings. The family is very nice, friendly and inventive, which can be seen clearly from the content that Preslee has been offering to her fans. She became active on TikTok in the early 2024 and since the very start of her channel she was lucky to receive a lot of attention from the users. Her videos are focused mainly on some choreography and entertaining activities that she gets involved in together with her friends and siblings. One of her videos, in which she is getting her nails polished, went viral and has received over 27 million views. As of January 2025, there are almost a half of a million people following Preslee Faith. She is also popular on Instagram where she is sharing plenty of photos with her friends and family members.
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