How old is Phoeberry?

Phoeberry was born on 16 January 2000.
Phoeberry is 25 years old.

How old is Phoeberry in days now?

Phoeberry is 25 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 9,203 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Phoeberry?

Phoeberry's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Phoeberry?

Zodiac sign of Phoeberry is Capricorn.

Phoeberry is a cute YouTube star and a lovely gamer known for the really interesting and creative stuff related to gaming that she's been posting on her channel. Born in 2000 in the UK, she grew up alongside her family and her two elder sisters who is also known as social media stars. One of them is a gamer and a YouTube star named Amberry. Inspired by her sisters, Phoeberry started playing Roblox kind of games when she was a child. She opened her social media accounts in the late 2010s and began sharing her videos focused on playing games, as well as on her daily life and activities. For example, some of the most popular videos of Phoeberry tell the viewers about the times when she has to look after her lovely niece Olive. As of the early 2025, the number of her subscribers is approaching to 1.1 million people. All sisters have a great number of fans. Their content is special and interesting in addition to its being considered to be really kid-friendly

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