How old is Phoebe Bridgers?

Phoebe Bridgers was born on 17 August 1994.
Phoebe Bridgers is 30 years old.

How old is Phoebe Bridgers in days now?

Phoebe Bridgers is 30 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 11,168 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Phoebe Bridgers?

Phoebe Bridgers's next birthday is in 5 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Phoebe Bridgers?

Zodiac sign of Phoebe Bridgers is Leo.

Phoebe Bridges is an American folk singer and songwriter originating from California, famous for a few themes for known TV series as well as her collaborations with such superstars as Taylor Swift and others. She was born in 1994 and was raised by her mum in Pasadena alongside her younger brother. She learned to play musical instruments as a young teenager and started her career as a busker performing the songs written by her. After finishing school she went on to study jazz at the Los Angeles High School of Arts and was invited to go on her education in Boston but soon she dropped out in order to pursue her professional career and record her sings. In the mid 2010s she joined a couple of bands and met her future producer who helped her to record her first studio album titled Stranger In the Alps. By the end of the decade her personal style as a musician and songwriter has formed and could be described as indie-folk-pop. She later on collaborated with some indie singers and bands like The National, Matty Healy, Shame, Kid Cudy, and many others. In 2023 she joined Taylor Swift in one of her tours to promote her new album. As of the early 2024 Phoebe Bridges is a member of a band called Boygenious as well as a winner of 4 Grammy awards.

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