How old is PewDiePie?

PewDiePie was born on 24 October 1989.
PewDiePie is 35 years old.

How old is PewDiePie in days now?

PewDiePie is 35 years 5 months 4 days old.
Total 12,939 days old now.

When is the next birthday of PewDiePie?

PewDiePie's next birthday is in 6 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of PewDiePie?

Zodiac sign of PewDiePie is Scorpio.

Known to the wide public as PewDiePie, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is a Swedish vlogger, YouTube, and other media celebrity, as well as a comedian, streamer, and gamer. He was born in 1989 in Gothenburg, Sweden, to quite a rich family, and he has a sister, who is also trying to develop her career as a media person. Felix has been interested in arts, music, and especially video games since he was a primary school student. He started his famous YouTube Channel in 2010 and opened other Internet media accounts in 2011. In the early times, he used to share mostly his comments and thoughts about video gaming, his experiments with Photoshop and other similar kinds of activities. He started increasing the number of his followers very slowly but firmly, and in 2011 he had over 700,000 followers. Nevertheless, in 2013 he had over 5 million followers, making him one of the most popular YouTubers of those times. His videos demonstrated the unique talent of the young man in making jokes and paying attention to really interesting details. He posts quite controversial videos and uses plenty of controversial terminologies while commenting on various issues. He is one of the richest YouTubers (with his wealth allegedly exceeding 12 million dollars), and one of the most popular Internet celebrities, with the number of followers close to 110 million people (as of the mid 2024). PewDiePie is also present in other social networks: in particular, he has about 22 million followers on his Instagram account. He takes part in some TV programs, marketing and charity campaigns, and other social events. In the summer of 2019, he got married to Marzia Kjellberg, also an internet celebrity of Italian origin. They've been together for over 8 years. In summer 2023 they welcomed their first child together, a girl named Bjorn.

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