How old is Payton Stork?
Payton Stork was born on 24 August 1997.
Payton Stork is 27 years old.
How old is Payton Stork in days now?
Payton Stork is 27 years 7 months 5 days old.
Total 10,079 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Payton Stork?
Payton Stork's next birthday is in 4 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Payton Stork?
Zodiac sign of Payton Stork is Virgo.
An Instagram star Payton Stork is known as a dancer and one of the former members of the Abby Lee School of Dance which she joined when she was 11 years old. She was born Payton Ackerman in 1997 in Pennsylvania and was raised by her parents alongside her two siblings, a sister Taylor and a brother Connor. Being an avid fan of dancing and choreography, she has been dancing since she was a child. Serious training and some great support of her family helped Payton to achieve some great success as a teenage dancer, and she was invited to join the second season of a cult show Dance Moms where she replaced Brooke Hyland. Her performance on the show were brilliant but she had to drop off because of being a bit too tall for the show. Later on she took part in some other television projects like Wear Em Out, High Hello, and such, as well as appeared in some music videos. On the early 2020s Payton began dating Logan Stork and they got married in 2023. In March 2024 Logan and Payton Stork welcomed their first child, a daughter Palmer Layne.
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