How old is Paul Walker?
Paul Walker was born on 12 September 1973. Paul Walker died on 30 November 2013 at the age of 40 years.
What was the exact age of Paul Walker?
Paul Walker's exact age was 40 years 2 months 18 days old. Paul Walker lived for total 14,689 days.
What would be the age of Paul Walker if alive?
Paul Walker's exact age would be 51 years 5 months 10 days old if alive. Total 18,791 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Paul Walker?
Zodiac sign of Paul Walker is Virgo.
Paul William Walker IV is a famous and charismatic American actor, born in 1973 in California. His mom was a model, that is why Paul was noticed by advertisement agencies, and as a child, he appeared in a few commercials. When Paul was 13 years old, he received his first role in a serious cinema movie Monster in the Closet. He continued taking part in some TV series and movies like Highway to Heaven, Who's the Boss? etc., in order to earn money for college. In his youth, Paul was also very much fond of sports. His first serious cinema success came to him in 1994, when he managed to receive an invitation to play in Tammy and T-Rex and starred together with Denise Richards. Paul's excellent performance in this movie was followed by his roles in Meet the Deedles, Pleasantville, She's All That, and finally 2 great movies of 2001, Joy Ride and The Fast and Furious. The latter became a movie series and brought the talented actor plenty of fame and money. Paul used to participate in various TV series and shows as well, with The Young and The Restless being probably the best known. Walker was a very handsome man and did some modeling, as well as appeared in a few TV commercials. He was interested in science, especially marine biology, so he often watched various science-related TV shows and even became a guest of one of the National Geographic TV series Expedition Great White. Walker was a great friend with Vin Diesel, his partner on The Fast and the Furious. Paul had a daughter, whose mom is Rebecca McBrain, his many years' partner. Walker died in November 2013 as a result of car accident, with his friend Roger Rodas driving the car and also dying as a result of numerous injuries.