How old is Paris Jackson?
Paris Jackson was born on 3 April 1998.
Paris Jackson is 26 years old.
How old is Paris Jackson in days now?
Paris Jackson is 26 years 11 months 6 days old.
Total 9,837 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Paris Jackson?
Paris Jackson's next birthday is in 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Paris Jackson?
Zodiac sign of Paris Jackson is Aries.
Paris Jackson is the only daughter of Michael Jackson as well as a lovely model and a singer. She came to this world in 1998 when she was born to the King of Pop and Debbie Rowe, his wife of that time. She grew up alongside her father who suddenly died when Paris was 11 years old so she became one of the heiress of his property, alongside her two brothers and other relatives. In the early 2010s Paris became a public person and started appearing on TV, for example, as a guest at The Oprah Winfrey Show alongside its wonderful host Oprah Winfrey, and many other. Later in the decade she signed contracts with a number of leading modeling agencies like IMG Models. He photos appeared on the pages of many world famous magazines like Gringo or Rolling Stone. In 2019 she recorded her first single and a year later her first studio album came out. As of the mid 2023, she continues recording new singles and such ones as "Just You" and "Bandaid" are some of those. Paris Jackson dated many famous men and women including a model Cara Delevigne, Chester Castellaw, Gabrielle Glenn, etc.