How old is Paige Taylor?

Paige Taylor was born on 26 March 2004.
Paige Taylor is 21 years old.

How old is Paige Taylor in days now?

Paige Taylor is 21 years 2 days old.
Total 7,672 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Paige Taylor?

Paige Taylor's next birthday is in 11 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Paige Taylor?

Zodiac sign of Paige Taylor is Aries.

A lovely and extremely positive TikToker, Paige Taylor is famous for her fascinating content related to dancing, choreography, fun, entertainment, songs, lip-syncing, and such. She was born in 2004 in LA and is living there, alongside her mum and her brother Andrew how often help her in creating her content and both appear in her videos. When Paige was a young teenager, she demonstrated really great success in dancing and even took part in a few competitions, as well as participated in a few projects in other states of the country. In the late 2010s she opened her TikTok channel where she began sharing a large number of interesting videos and plenty of really great content. She can also be followed on Instagram where she loves posting various kinds of photos of her daily life, with her family and friends. Paige Taylor sometimes works in collaboration with other TikTokers and YouTubers on producing some innovative great quality content. As of March 2025, there are about 6 million people following her channel.

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