How old is Paige Niemann?

Paige Niemann was born on 26 April 2004.
Paige Niemann is 20 years old.

How old is Paige Niemann in days now?

Paige Niemann is 20 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 7,642 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Paige Niemann?

Paige Niemann's next birthday is in 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Paige Niemann?

Zodiac sign of Paige Niemann is Taurus.

Paige Niemann is a creative social media star and a YouTuber who has been running a popular personal channel for many years. Born in 2004 in the US, she is of Italian and American origins. Paige was a very cute and active child who used to spend a lot of time doing various outdoor activities and playing many sports. In her early teen ages Paige started getting seriously interested in beauty and opened her YouTube channel to share her life with her followers. Later in the 2010s her channel attracted attention as she was creating wonderful celebrity lookalike videos. In particular, her impersonation of Ariana Grande is considered to be one among the best ever. Paige Niemann is one of the really successful young YouTubers and she is planning to focus completely on social media related activities in the nearest future. In the early 2022, she dated Mike Chelsen, but later in the year the couple broke up.

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