How old is Orlando Bloom?
Orlando Bloom was born on 13 January 1977.
Orlando Bloom is 48 years old.
How old is Orlando Bloom in days now?
Orlando Bloom is 48 years 2 months 13 days old.
Total 17,604 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Orlando Bloom?
Orlando Bloom's next birthday is in 9 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Orlando Bloom?
Zodiac sign of Orlando Bloom is Capricorn.
Orlando Bloom is a British actor, who gained most of his fame with the portrayal of Legolas in The Lord of the Rings series. He was born in 1977 in Kent, the UK, and grew up guided by his mum, a businesswoman, and a writer, who managed to make Orlando love arts, theater, photography, and music. In1997, the young actor made his cinema debut by appearing in the movie Wild, and shortly after he was cast for The Lord of The Rings for one of the main roles. A huge worldwide success with this movie was followed by one more great performance of Orlando Bloom, in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, where he starred near Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley. Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, New York I Love You, The Three Musketeers, Zulu, and The Hobbit can be named among the other best works of Bloom. He was married to an Australian model and actress Miranda Kerr, who is the mother of his son, but the couple split in 2013. Orlando has a recurring relationship with Katy Perry, and in 2020 they had a daughter.