How old is Oliver Sykes?
Oliver Sykes was born on 20 November 1986.
Oliver Sykes is 38 years old.
How old is Oliver Sykes in days now?
Oliver Sykes is 38 years 3 months 20 days old.
Total 13,992 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Oliver Sykes?
Oliver Sykes's next birthday is in 8 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Oliver Sykes?
Zodiac sign of Oliver Sykes is Scorpio.
Oliver Sykes is a British metal singer and the lead vocalist of a metal band called Bring Me the Horizon. He was born in 1986 in the UK but when he was a toddler, his family moved to Australia where he spent some years of his early childhood. Upon their return to the UK, he attended school and a college, as well as made his first steps in music and learned to play the guitar. He started taking part in a band work in the early 2000s when he formed his first band together with his brother and his future bandmate Matt. Bring Me the Horizon was formed in 2004 and started playing an alternative metal. Their first few albums were very successful and attracted a lot of fans, but later on new members started appearing in the band making changes in the style which drifted to a more commercial and soft metal in the early 2020s. Oliver Sykes has been among the 4 all-time members of the band, and in addition to his work with Bring Me the Horizon he has recorded a few great collaborations with other musicians like a band The Day to Remember, etc. He is married and he has been a vegetarian for over 20 years. As of the mid 2024, he is living in Brazil with his wife, a Brazilian model and an Instagram star Alissa Salls.