How old is Oliver Moy?

Oliver Moy was born on 7 March 2001.
Oliver Moy is 24 years old.

How old is Oliver Moy in days now?

Oliver Moy is 24 years old.
Total 8,766 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Oliver Moy?

Oliver Moy's next birthday is in .

What is the zodiac sign of Oliver Moy?

Zodiac sign of Oliver Moy is Pisces.

Oliver Moy is a famous TikTok star and media personality known for his interesting and cool stuff that he has been posting on his channel. Born in 2001 in Florida, Oliver grew up in quite a large family alongside his mother Natalia and his three siblings. Oliver has liked social media since his early teen ages and at first, he opened an Instagram account in the mid-2010s. Just a bit later, together with his brother Sebastian, opened their first TikTok channel, and the boys began posting plenty of fun stuff like lip-syncing, pranks, their comments on their school life, and stuff like that. Oliver Moy also has a personal channel, where he posts similar kinds of videos. As of the early 2024, there are over 11 million followers to his channel.

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