How old is Nova's World?
Nova's World was born on 14 November 2017.
Nova's World is 7 years old.
How old is Nova's World in days now?
Nova's World is 7 years 4 months 15 days old.
Total 2,692 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nova's World?
Nova's World's next birthday is in 7 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nova's World?
Zodiac sign of Nova's World is Scorpio.
A cool child YouTuber behind the channel Nova's World is a nice and talented girl who has managed to attract a substantial number of fans. Born in 2017 in the US, she began appearing on her channel, which is managed by her mum and dad, when she was a young child. Her content is similar to a traditional vlog, with most of the videos showing her daily routines, preparation for school, her hobbies, and such. Many viewers notice some great music that her mum selects for the videos, and various songs play an important role in Nova's content making. Recently, she has released her first song titled "Big Steppa" which has received hundreds of thousands views. But her most viewed video is titled "Nova before and after school" which has received 10 million views so far. As of the early 2025, there are about fourth thirds of a million followers subscribed to Nova's World, and the number is currently growing.
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