How old is Noah H Marwah?
Noah H Marwah was born on 31 December 2020.
Noah H Marwah is 4 years old.
How old is Noah H Marwah in days now?
Noah H Marwah is 4 years 2 months 6 days old.
Total 1,529 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Noah H Marwah?
Noah H Marwah's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Noah H Marwah?
Zodiac sign of Noah H Marwah is Capricorn.
Noah H Marwah is a lovely Instagram starlet who is a son of a YouTuber Anas Marwah and an Instagram star Asala Marwah. He was born in 2020 and is growing up in California, alongside her parents and sister Mila Marwah. His arrival in this world was documented and presented on the accounts of his parents. Moreover, in 2021 his mum launched his personal Instagram page (just as she had done earlier for her elder daughter Mila) where it is possible to find tons of lovely photos telling a lot about his life. His photos in which he appears dressed up in various costumes usually receive the most likes. As of Februarly 2025, there are over 1.3 million people following the account of Noah H Marwah. Of course he always appears on the videos of his parents' YouTube channel titled anasala.
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