How old is Nicolette Durazzo?
Nicolette Durazzo was born on 14 May 2007.
Nicolette Durazzo is 17 years old.
How old is Nicolette Durazzo in days now?
Nicolette Durazzo is 17 years 9 months 27 days old.
Total 6,513 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nicolette Durazzo?
Nicolette Durazzo's next birthday is in 2 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Nicolette Durazzo?
Zodiac sign of Nicolette Durazzo is Taurus.
Nicolette Durazzo is a young and talented dancer who became known to the general public after appearing alongside a few iconic dancers like Mackenzie Ziegler. Durazzo was born in 2007 in California and was raised by her loving parents, alongside her three siblings, two sisters and a brother. She is a cousin of Brent Rivera, a famous YouTube star. Lexi Rivera is also a cousin of hers, and Nicolette often appears side by side with her in her Instagram photos and videos. Since her early years Durazzo loved dancing and has been dreaming about a career as a famous dancer and choreographer. She took plenty of courses and training programs. Nicolette Durazzo is a popular Instagram star and a TikToker. As of the mid 2024, she is followed by over 900 thousand fans on Instagram, and there are over 2.2 million subscribers of her TikTok channel.