How old is Ángela Aguilar?
Ángela Aguilar was born on 8 October 2003.
Ángela Aguilar is 21 years old.
How old is Ángela Aguilar in days now?
Ángela Aguilar is 21 years 5 months 19 days old.
Total 7,841 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ángela Aguilar?
Ángela Aguilar's next birthday is in 6 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ángela Aguilar?
Zodiac sign of Ángela Aguilar is Libra.
Angela Aguilar is a singer and a daughter of another famous Mexican singer Pepe Augilar, as well as a sister of another talented singer Leonardo Agular. She was born in 2003 in Los Angeles and has been exposed to plenty of various music since her first days in this world. As a young child, she would accompany her father on his tours and was quite close with her brother Leonardo. Angela was only 9 years old when she released her first single recorded together with her brother, and a few more ones followed in the early 2010s. In 2012 their collaborative album came out, and Angela's first solo album was released in 2018. The album was supported by a great number of tours and performances, as well as received a lot of public attention and brought Angela a few important rewards including a Grammy award nomination. One more solo album of hers came out in 2021, and it had a few great songs like "La Malaguena". Angela Aguilar sings in Spanish and has her personal YouTube channel where everyone can find her songs. In 2024 one more album titled Bolero came out. In summer 2024 she got married to her boyfriend Christian Nadal, a singer too.