How old is Ne-Yo?

Ne-Yo was born on 18 October 1979.
Ne-Yo is 45 years old.

How old is Ne-Yo in days now?

Ne-Yo is 45 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 16,581 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ne-Yo?

Ne-Yo's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ne-Yo?

Zodiac sign of Ne-Yo is Libra.

Ne-Yo is a successful R&B singer, musician, dancer, and actor, who is also known as a songwriter of some really popular hits like "Let Me Love You", "Stay", and others. Born Shaffer Chimere Smith in 1979 in Arkansas, he was raised by his mother of African American descent. Both of his mum and dad had to do with music, so Shaffer started dreaming about developing a professional career in music when he was a young child. He released his first singles in the mid 2000s, and his first notable one was named "So Sick" which appeared in the first lines of the Billboard 100. His first solo album came out in 2006 and became platinum no only in the US but in the UK and Japan as well. Later in the decade he released two more studio albums with the hits like "Miss Independent" and "Spotlight", which brought his two Grammy awards. He also started appearing on TV as an active TV show star. During the 2010s Ne-Yo continued taking part in various TV programs as well as recording new songs and collaborations with such stars as Jay Z, Rihanna, Mario Barnett, etc. He served as a judge in some popular TV competitions like America's Got Talent or World of Dance (alongside Jennifer Lopez). As of the mid 2024, Ne-Yo has recorded 9 studio albums and received 3 Grammy awards, as well as many other musical awards and titles. He is divorced and has 7 children.

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