How old is Nazanin Kavari?

Nazanin Kavari was born on 7 December 1998.
Nazanin Kavari is 26 years old.

How old is Nazanin Kavari in days now?

Nazanin Kavari is 26 years 3 months 22 days old.
Total 9,609 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nazanin Kavari?

Nazanin Kavari's next birthday is in 8 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nazanin Kavari?

Zodiac sign of Nazanin Kavari is Sagittarius.

Nazanin Kavari is a popular YouTube star and a known fashion expert whose videos are focused on assisting her viewers in creating their personal style and image. She was born in 1998 in Romania and is of Persian origins. She spent her early years alongside her sister Yasmin Kavari who is also a famous Instagram star. Nazanin was a young teenager when she launched her first YouTube channel and started sharing her ideas as to her school life, as well as make up and personal styling. Later on some other channels of hers were launched, and as a young lady she tried herself in acting and modeling as well. It is possible to find Nazanin Kavari on Instagram as well, she has recently started creating and sharing videos as to home decoration and renovation. She is married to another YouTube star Mel the DJ, and the couple has three children.

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