How old is Nash Grier?
Nash Grier was born on 28 December 1997.
Nash Grier is 27 years old.
How old is Nash Grier in days now?
Nash Grier is 27 years 3 months old.
Total 9,952 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nash Grier?
Nash Grier's next birthday is in 9 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Nash Grier?
Zodiac sign of Nash Grier is Capricorn.
Born on December 28th, 1997, Nash Grier is a popular social media celebrity and YouTuber. Just like most of his fellow superstars like Logan Paul or Cameron Dallas, Grier started with making and sharing content on Vine and before the platform was shut down, he had gained over 12 million followers there. Nowadays, is videos on his YouTube are being watched by millions of fans, and according to some media, Grier is one of 30 most influential internet personalities in the world. As of the late 2024, there are about 4.5 million subscribers to his channel. Nash is interested in acting as well, and he was a part of Magcon Boys project, together with his friends Shawn Mendes and Cameron Dallas. His younger brother Hayes Grier and his younger sister Skylynn Floyd are also quite famous social media stars. In 2019 Nash Grier got engaged to his long term girlfriend Taylor Giavasis and became a father of a lovely boy Malakai. In summer 2022, his wife and him welcomed their second child. Finally, in the early winter of 2024 the couple got married.
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