How old is Nara Smith?

Nara Smith was born on 27 September 2001.
Nara Smith is 23 years old.

How old is Nara Smith in days now?

Nara Smith is 23 years 6 months 2 days old.
Total 8,584 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nara Smith?

Nara Smith's next birthday is in 5 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nara Smith?

Zodiac sign of Nara Smith is Libra.

A famous TikTok star with about 10 million followers (as of the late 2024), Nara Smith is a vloger and an influencer whose content is centered around her daily routines and family oriented videos. She was born Nara Pellman in 2001 in South Africa and spent her early years in Germany, in the city of Frankfurt where one of her parents comes from. He Instagram account got active in the early 2016 when she started to post her photos featuring mainly her friends and her family. Later in the decade she was involved in some modeling related projects by IMG Modeling Agency mainly, so there were a lot of videos and photos showing her fashion and modeling related time. In the early 2020 Nara got married and shortly after became a mom to her first daughter. Soon her husband and her welcomed their second child, a son, and one more daughter of theirs came to this world in spring 2024. As of the late 2024 Nara Smith continues sharing plenty of interesting content focused on a variety of topic ranging from healthy lifestyle and ending up with parenting. Currently, there are about 4.3 million people following her channel.

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