How old is Nailea Devora?

Nailea Devora was born on 20 January 2002.
Nailea Devora is 23 years old.

How old is Nailea Devora in days now?

Nailea Devora is 23 years 2 months 10 days old.
Total 8,470 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nailea Devora?

Nailea Devora's next birthday is in 9 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nailea Devora?

Zodiac sign of Nailea Devora is Aquarius.

A lovely and talented Instagram star, Nailea Devora was born in 2002 in the US, to the family of Mexican origins. Since she was a child, she used to be very outgoing and loved fashion. He has been interested in beauty and healthy lifestyle. Just like most of the peers, she started her presence in various social media websites in her teen ages. She started on Instagram and continued on TikTok, sharing plenty of various videos related to fashion, body care, make-up, etc. Instagram is also the lace where it is possible to see plenty of photos of her life and family. As of the early 2025, there are over 4.5 million subscribers to her Instagram account, as well as 3.1 million followers on her TikTok channel. quiet often, Nailea Devora creates videos of her comedy related ideas including lip-syncing, etc.Some of her best videos were made on collaboration with other famous YouTubers and TikTokers.

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