How old is MuffinJuice?

MuffinJuice was born on 13 August 2006.
MuffinJuice is 18 years old.

How old is MuffinJuice in days now?

MuffinJuice is 18 years 7 months 1 day old.
Total 6,788 days old now.

When is the next birthday of MuffinJuice?

MuffinJuice's next birthday is in 4 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MuffinJuice?

Zodiac sign of MuffinJuice is Leo.

The style of the YouTube content of MuffinJuice is a combination of gaming related topics, unboxing and sketch comedy which he is truly good at. He was born in 2006 and has lived all of his life in the US, alongside his family and good friends. He was just a young kid when he started playing computer games, and he wasn't even a teenager when he launched his first YouTube channel. One of the oldest of his massively popular videos is dated by 2018 when MuffinJuice decided to share some part of his Fortnite playing session. In the early 2020s he became a member of Socksfor1 team of gamers and often takes part in some joint events. His video of parodying Will Smith at the Oscar Ceremony in the framework of Minecraft video game became viral and enjoyed a few hundreds of views. It is also worth mentioning that MuffinJuice used to keep his face and identity secret until the mid 2023 when he removed his "cardboard box face style" and appeared in front of his fans as a nice and cute guy.

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