How old is Mrwhosetheboss?
Mrwhosetheboss was born on 24 October 1995.
Mrwhosetheboss is 29 years old.
How old is Mrwhosetheboss in days now?
Mrwhosetheboss is 29 years 5 months 4 days old.
Total 10,748 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mrwhosetheboss?
Mrwhosetheboss's next birthday is in 6 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mrwhosetheboss?
Zodiac sign of Mrwhosetheboss is Scorpio.
A YouTube star and a technology guru from the UK, Arun Maini, or Mrwhosetheboss, is a skilled content creator who focuses on a multitude of topics. Born in 1995 in the UK, he was brought up by his parents of Indian origins, alongside his younger sister. In addition to his literally inborn love to technology and gadgets, Arun has a great talent at analyzing and comparing things on a very broad scale, so he started his presence in social media as a gadget and technology reviewer which helped him to gain his first loyal fans and followers quite fast. Later on he moved further to reviewing different brands and giving personal recommendations as to the gadgets to his viewers. In the late 2010s he started getting involved in and invited to join various tech related projects including the ones on local TV and radio stations, as well as some computer gaming related events. In 2021 Arun and his channel Mrwhosetheboss received a Streamy Award as one of the best technology reviewer on YouTube. As of December 2024, there are over 20 million technology fans subscribed to his YouTube channel, and there are a few million followers of his personal Instagram page. He got engaged in 2023.
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