How old is MrSavageM?

MrSavageM was born on 12 November 2004.
MrSavageM is 20 years old.

How old is MrSavageM in days now?

MrSavageM is 20 years 4 months 17 days old.
Total 7,442 days old now.

When is the next birthday of MrSavageM?

MrSavageM's next birthday is in 7 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MrSavageM?

Zodiac sign of MrSavageM is Scorpio.

A charismatic streamer from Norway, MrSavageM is known as a gamer and a fan of Fortnite. He was born Martin Foss Andersen in 2004 in Oslo and was raised by his parents there. He spent his childhood playing computer games and socializing minimally with his limited circle of friends. Instead, he would try to extend his gaming circle and joined a local team with whom he used to enter some gaming competitions. When Martin was 14 years old he decided to open his Twitch channel and appear there in front of his viewers as a Fortnite expert who knows what's what and why in it. A bit later on he would offer his viewers some streams of the most interesting gaming sessions, as well as some really interesting collaborative videos with his fellow gamers like Mongraal and others. In the early 2020s he managed to reach some popularity and even attention of some celebrities like Post Malone. As of the early 2025, there are almost 4.5 million people following his channel. MrSavageM is also available on Instagram where he is followed by about 3.2 million subscribers.

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