How old is Monica Bellucci?

Monica Bellucci was born on 30 September 1964.
Monica Bellucci is 60 years old.

How old is Monica Bellucci in days now?

Monica Bellucci is 60 years 3 months 23 days old.
Total 22,029 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Monica Bellucci?

Monica Bellucci's next birthday is in 8 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Monica Bellucci?

Zodiac sign of Monica Bellucci is Libra.

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci is one of the most popular and adored Italian models and actresses. She was born in a small town in North Italy. Monica was a very hardworking child, and she wanted to dedicate her life to jurisprudence, so she became a student of Perugia University. However, in order to earn some money, she started modeling and managed to achieve great success on this field, so very soon she decided to leave the university and moved to Milan, the capital of fashion and culture. She played in a great number of Italian and French movies together with such stars as Sophie Marceau, Vincent Cassel, and others. Her Hollywood roles were also unforgettable and remarkable, including the ones in the Matrix trilogy, The Passion of The Christ, Irreversible, Malena, and plenty of other movies. Monica Belucci is the mother of two lovely girls who came to this world in her marriage with Vincent Cassel.

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