How old is MOMO?

MOMO was born on 9 November 1996.
MOMO is 28 years old.

How old is MOMO in days now?

MOMO is 28 years 4 months 22 days old.
Total 10,369 days old now.

When is the next birthday of MOMO?

MOMO's next birthday is in 7 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MOMO?

Zodiac sign of MOMO is Scorpio.

MOMO is a dancer and singer known to the general public as a member of an all-girl pop group named Twice. She was born Momo Hirai in 1996 in Kyoto, Japan, and spent her childhood there, alongside her sister and parents. As a young child, she loved music and dancing, and she started her dancing classes inspired by her elder sister. Momo started demonstrating great success in her very early ages and when she was 12, she appeared in a professional music video as a supporting dancer. After that she was spotted by the scouts of JYP Entertainment, the best talent agency in South Korea, and was offered to take an extensive training program in dancing, singing and acting, in order to become a star. In the late 2015 she joined the group named Twice, and since then she has been a member of that group. She took part in recording all 6 studio albums of the group (as of the early 2024) and all the tours and other projects of Twice. For some time she was reported to date another singer Kim Hee-chul, but the couple broke up due to their very busy schedules. MOMO is really popular among the fans of Twice, and currently she has about 9 million followers on her Instagram account.

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