How old is Momlifewithlaura?
Momlifewithlaura was born on 3 September 1981.
Momlifewithlaura is 43 years old.
How old is Momlifewithlaura in days now?
Momlifewithlaura is 43 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 15,913 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Momlifewithlaura?
Momlifewithlaura's next birthday is in 5 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Momlifewithlaura?
Zodiac sign of Momlifewithlaura is Virgo.
Momlifewithlaura is a famous TikTok mom who has been offering her intriguing and entertaining content focused on relationships, marriage, motherhood, healthy lifestyle, healthy cooking tips, looking after the house, and positivity in all of those. She was born Laura Clair in 1981 in the US and had an absolutely typical life before becoming a TikTok star. She launched her channel in the early 2020 and quite soon she also opened an Instagram account. She has a husband, a daughter and a son, and her main idea is combining her quite busy family life with enjoying the life to the fullest. As of the late 2024, there are almost 2 million fans subscribed to her channel, and who take quite an active part in discussing and trying to get in touch with the channel owner. Momlifewithlaura shares some best stuff from her TikTok on her Instagram account, with some of the videos receiving extra views from there as well.
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