How old is mm2.frosty?
mm2.frosty was born on 22 September 2006.
mm2.frosty is 18 years old.
How old is mm2.frosty in days now?
mm2.frosty is 18 years 6 months 7 days old.
Total 6,763 days old now.
When is the next birthday of mm2.frosty?
mm2.frosty's next birthday is in 5 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of mm2.frosty?
Zodiac sign of mm2.frosty is Virgo.
A Roblox star and an experienced gamer, mm2.frosty is a huge fan of MM2 and charismatic TikToker. His real name is Chase Wheeler and he was born in 2006 in the US. As a young child, he started to play Roblox games and it turned out to be the passion of his life. Along with Lana Rae, he is considered to be one of the best specialists of Murder Mystery game on TikTok. He launched his channel in spring of 2023, and it took him about a year to attract his first million of the followers. He is very good at making collaborative videos and often focuses on the details of playing MM2 together with Vanilbean and other gamers. mm2.frosty can also be found on YouTube and his channel there is actually older than the one on TikTok but sadly doesn't enjoy the same popularity.
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