How old is MiniMoochi?
MiniMoochi was born on 8 August 2000.
MiniMoochi is 24 years old.
How old is MiniMoochi in days now?
MiniMoochi is 24 years 3 months 14 days old.
Total 8,872 days old now.
When is the next birthday of MiniMoochi?
MiniMoochi's next birthday is in 8 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of MiniMoochi?
Zodiac sign of MiniMoochi is Leo.
If you are looking for some great and unique entertaining content, you can visit the channel on YouTube titled MiniMoochi which is being ran by Celine Leong, a skilled comedy content creator. She was born in 2000 in Singapore and has lived there for all of her life. Her YouTube channel was launched when Celine was only 7 years old, and she started using it more or less regularly when she was a young teenager. Starting from just a dozen of followers, she has managed to attract over 3 million subscribers, as of the mid 2024. She loves modern Korean and eastern pop music, as well as anime cartoons and TikTok shorts. Her content is focused on parodies on some famous TV series and shows, some lip syncing, POV videos, and such. She can be found on Instagram as well where her fans can see a lot of cheerful and amusing photos of MiniMoochi in her daily life.
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