How old is Mia Sayoko?

Mia Sayoko was born on 1 August 1994.
Mia Sayoko is 30 years old.

How old is Mia Sayoko in days now?

Mia Sayoko is 30 years 7 months 27 days old.
Total 11,197 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Mia Sayoko?

Mia Sayoko's next birthday is in 4 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Mia Sayoko?

Zodiac sign of Mia Sayoko is Leo.

Mia Sayoko Stammer is a famous YouTuber known for her interesting and cool beauty and style-related videos. Mia was born in 1994 in Japan, in the city of Okinawa, but since her childhood she has been living in the US. She spent her early teen ages in California and finished a high school there. After that, she worked as a waitress to make the ends meet, as well as began her social media activities, particularly on YouTube which was the most popular video sharing website in those times. Her videos are very interesting and funny, and the number of the followers of her channel is close to 4.1 million people (as for the mid 2024). She has been posting various make-up and especially hair care related tutorials which are extremely popular with young ladies and those who care about how they look. Her video titled Miley Cyrus Hair Style Tutorial had a really large number of viewers. Mia Sayoko dated many of her fellow YouTubers like Rashnu, Kyle Hatch and others. In the late 2020 she tried herself in singing and released a few hits, with "I Just Wanna Be Sad", "Out of Sync" and "Apologies" being the most popular. She can be also found on Instagram where she is followed by well over a million fans of hers.

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