How old is MF DOOM?

MF DOOM was born on 13 July 1971. MF DOOM died on 31 October 2020 at the age of 49 years.

What was the exact age of MF DOOM?

MF DOOM's exact age was 49 years 3 months 18 days old. MF DOOM lived for total 18,008 days.

What would be the age of MF DOOM if alive?

MF DOOM's exact age would be 53 years 8 months 17 days old if alive. Total 19,619 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MF DOOM?

Zodiac sign of MF DOOM is Cancer.

Daniel Dumlie known also as MF DOOM was a rapper and musician of American origins known for his stage image and hits like "DOOMsday", "Rhymes Like Dimes", etc. Born in 1971 in London, he spent most of his childhood in New York and started his professional career there in the late 1980s. Together with his brother and their friend, he formed a trio named KMD which was active a little more than 5 years and became a good field for Doom to find his musical style and image. After the break up of the band, MF DOOM started performing solo in an iron mask like one of Marvel comics character Dr.Doom. During the 2000s he recorded most of his solo and collaborative albums, as well as made a large number of performances and tours. Last decade of his life he spent in London and worked on some joint recordings with other hip hop and rap singers like Danger Doom or MF Grimm. In October 2020, during the pandemics caused by COVID 19, MF DOOM was sent to a hospital in Leeds after suffering from some respiratory problems where he later on lost his life as a result of a rare complications. He was 49 years old...

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