How old is Megan Moroney?
Megan Moroney was born on 9 October 1997.
Megan Moroney is 27 years old.
How old is Megan Moroney in days now?
Megan Moroney is 27 years 5 months 18 days old.
Total 10,031 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Megan Moroney?
Megan Moroney's next birthday is in 6 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Megan Moroney?
Zodiac sign of Megan Moroney is Libra.
Megan Moroney is a lovely and very successful American country singer who has recently become famous after recording a few hits like "Hair Salon", "Tennessee Orange", and others. Born in 1997 in Georgia, she grew up in Savannah, alongside her family, and started getting interested in music and learning to play piano as a child. When she was a high school student, she used to join the plays of the school musical theater and take part in cheer leading. After finishing school she studied accounting at the University of Georgia and at the same time continued writing and performing her music. Her first career milestone was an opening for one of the country music concerts in Georgia Theater which inspired her to continue as a country music songwriter and singer. Her first commercial single "Wonder" came out in 2021, and it was followed by another successful one, "Tennessee Orange", which reached Billboard lines. In 2023 Megan Moroney released her debut studio album titled Lucky, and a year later one more studio album of hers came out, titled Am I Okay?. It is possible to find her music, as well as plenty of videos about her life and career on her TikTok channel which is currently, as of the late 2024, is followed by over 1.1 million people.