How old is Matt Damon?
Matt Damon was born on 8 October 1970.
Matt Damon is 54 years old.
How old is Matt Damon in days now?
Matt Damon is 54 years 5 months 1 day old.
Total 19,876 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Matt Damon?
Matt Damon's next birthday is in 6 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Matt Damon?
Zodiac sign of Matt Damon is Libra.
Matt Damon is a famous Hollywood actor, movie producer, and screenplay writer. Born in 1970 in Cambridge, Massachusetts to a family of a teacher and a tax inspector. He is a childhood friend of Ben Affleck, and he played in few movies with him (including "Good Will Hunting" which was also their screenplay writing debut). After finishing a private high school, Damon entered Harvard University, but he chose not to finish it and started his acting career when he was 22. The Borne Identification is probably the most successful and the most famous movie where the actor demonstrated excellent performance (for this role he received Oscar in 1997), with Good Will Hunting and Saving Private Ryan being other ones. Matt Damon is married to Luciana Bozán Barroso, an Argentinean model, and the couple has 4 daughters. As of the mid 2024, he is involved in many activities concerning improving life in poor and developing countries.