How old is Mary J. Blige?
Mary J. Blige was born on 11 January 1971.
Mary J. Blige is 54 years old.
How old is Mary J. Blige in days now?
Mary J. Blige is 54 years 2 months 18 days old.
Total 19,801 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mary J. Blige?
Mary J. Blige's next birthday is in 9 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mary J. Blige?
Zodiac sign of Mary J. Blige is Capricorn.
Mary J. Blige is an American singer, actress, and musician famous for her hip hop and soul songs. She was born in 1971 in New York City and her father was a jazz musician. She grew up in a crowded family where love to music was very deep. Mary started her professional career in the early 1990s when she became a back vocalist for Puff Daddy. She recorded her first studio album named What's the 411? which became popular as one of the best debut albums of R&B music of the year. Blige has released 13 studio albums so far, with most of them becoming platinum and having plenty of hits like "The One", "Runaway Love", "Whenever I Say Your Name", "Mr. Wrong", "Family Affair", "Be Without You", and scores of more. She has won 9 Grammy and 10 Billboard Awards, as well as plenty of other ones. Bilge appeared in a number of TV shows and programs like The Jamie Foxx Show, American Idol, How To Get Away With Murder, as well as in a number of movies like Rock of Ages (with Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, etc.), Black Nativity, Mudbound and others. Mary J. Bilge was long time married to her manager but divorced him in 2018.