How old is Maru Lee?
Maru Lee was born on 19 January 2001.
Maru Lee is 24 years old.
How old is Maru Lee in days now?
Maru Lee is 24 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 8,834 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Maru Lee?
Maru Lee's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Maru Lee?
Zodiac sign of Maru Lee is Capricorn.
A lovely make up and beauty expert, Maru Lee is also famous for her selfies and striking personal style. She came to this world in 2001 in Argentina and grew up in the family of Korean origins. She became active on TikTok in 2021 and initially decided to use her channel as her personal vlog, to publish her selfies and photos. Later on she began making and sharing more and more videos focused on make up, cosmetics, hairstyle, and such. She is very cute and charismatic, so her videos attracted a lot of fans and new subscribers to her channel. As of January 2025, there are almost three thirds of a million people following her channel, and the number of likes that her videos have earned so far is close to 24 million ones. Recently, the most popular photos on her Instagram account are those where she poses with other famous YouTube and TikTok stars. Maru Lee loves traveling and often posts her selfies from the most famous cities of the world.
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