How old is Markiplier?

Markiplier was born on 28 June 1989.
Markiplier is 35 years old.

How old is Markiplier in days now?

Markiplier is 35 years 9 months old.
Total 13,057 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Markiplier?

Markiplier's next birthday is in 3 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Markiplier?

Zodiac sign of Markiplier is Cancer.

A member of the list of Top 25 most subscribed YouTubers, Mark Edward Fischbach is a media celebrity who became popular by posting various gaming-related videos to his YouTube channel named Markiplier. He was born in 1989 in Hawaii, spent his childhood in Cincinnati, but is now living in California. He was a great fan of various action and horror-related games, and in 2012 he opened his first YouTube channel where he posted various videos and his personal special comments on his gaming experiences. The account became very popular quite fast, and as of the mid 2024 it has over 36 million followers. Nowadays, Mark is working on his channel together with a group of his good friends, and apart from gaming themes, he is recently trying himself in some sort of comedy related activities, with the aim of attracting more viewers and more followers to his channel. Markiplier is currently in a relationship with Amy Nelson, a graphic designer who is helping Mark in working on his projects. His elder brother Thomas is also often involved in producing some of the videos for Mark's channel. 

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