How old is Markie Werox?
Markie Werox was born on 27 April 2002.
Markie Werox is 22 years old.
How old is Markie Werox in days now?
Markie Werox is 22 years 11 months 4 days old.
Total 8,374 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Markie Werox?
Markie Werox's next birthday is in 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Markie Werox?
Zodiac sign of Markie Werox is Taurus.
Markie Werox is an Internet celebrity and a TikTok star famous for his funny and interesting videos. He was born in 2002 to the parents of Dutch origins. He has a brother named Cas Werox who is also a famous TikToker and whom Markie shares one of his most popular TikTok channels with. The Werox brothers started their online activities in the mid-2010s and Markie has managed to attract over 3 million followers to his account. It is possible to find a variety of interesting stuff there, from funny lip syncing videos to some sketches and dancing. As of the early 2024, there are over 8 million followers on his TikTok channel. He is also present in Instagram where he uploads plenty of funny photos. Markie Werox often collaborates with other TikTokers and YouTubers.
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