How old is Mark Ronson?
Mark Ronson was born on 4 September 1975.
Mark Ronson is 49 years old.
How old is Mark Ronson in days now?
Mark Ronson is 49 years 6 months 24 days old.
Total 18,103 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mark Ronson?
Mark Ronson's next birthday is in 5 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mark Ronson?
Zodiac sign of Mark Ronson is Virgo.
Mark Ronson is a British musician, DJ, songwriter and music producer, who works in the styles of funk, soul, hip-hop, and electronic music. He was born in 1975 in St. John's Wood and started getting interested in music under the influence of his mum who was a music producer, and his stepfather who was a professional musician. Mark learned to play the piano and guitar, and his career started in 1993 when he lived in New York and was a New York University student. He started as a DJ in local clubs and restaurants, and in the early 2000s he signed up with Elektra Records and released his first album Here Comes the Fuzz. His 2nd album was released 4 years later and attracted the attention of much wider circles of the audience. The next album, Record Collection, has appeared at the second line of the UK Billboard. In 2008 Mark collaborated with Adele on her first album and with Amy Winehouse on her famous album Back to Black, which resulted in Mark receiving the Grammy Award as the Producer of the Year. During the 2010s he had a few more successful collaborations, including his song of 2014 "Uptown Funk" recorded with Bruno Mars, which brought him one more Grammy Award. His 4th album Uptown Special came out in the early 2015 and managed to climb to the first lines of both British and American charts. Mark Ronson has worked as a producer with a large number of musicians including Christina Aguilera, Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Duran Duran, Robbie Williams, and so on.