How old is Margaret Qualley?

Margaret Qualley was born on 23 October 1994.
Margaret Qualley is 30 years old.

How old is Margaret Qualley in days now?

Margaret Qualley is 30 years 5 months 4 days old.
Total 11,113 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Margaret Qualley?

Margaret Qualley's next birthday is in 6 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Margaret Qualley?

Zodiac sign of Margaret Qualley is Scorpio.

Margaret Qualley is a beautiful actress who has attracted some public attention for her great performance in an HBO TV series The Leftovers where he portrayed Jill Garvey. She was born and raised by her mum who is a famous actress Andie MacDowell and her dad, a model Paul Qualley. In her early years Margaret was passionate about ballet dancing and dreamed about becoming a ballet star so she used to train a lot. Together with her sister, they used to take part in local and international dancing balls as teenagers, and later on Margaret managed to win an apprenticeship at the American Ballet Theater but quite suddenly she changed her mind and decided to try herself in modeling. Her debut took place in 2011 at New York Fashion Week, and within the next few years she collaborated with a number of famous fashion companies. In 2013 Qually appeared in a film by Gia Coppola, and a little later she played one of her milestone roles so far, the one in The Leftovers. The second part of the decade turned out to be quite fruitful for her, with some notable roles in such movies as The Nice Guys, Death Note, Io, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Strange but True, and others. The early 2020s were marked for Margaret Qualley by joining the cast for a Netflix TV series Maid, as well as in the movies like Poor Things, Kind of Kindness, and The Substance, for the latter she received the Golden Globe Award nomination. In 2023 she got married to a musician Jack Antonoff.

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