How old is Marcus Dobre?
Marcus Dobre was born on 28 January 1999.
Marcus Dobre is 26 years old.
How old is Marcus Dobre in days now?
Marcus Dobre is 26 years 2 months 2 days old.
Total 9,558 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Marcus Dobre?
Marcus Dobre's next birthday is in 9 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Marcus Dobre?
Zodiac sign of Marcus Dobre is Aquarius.
Marcus Dobre is a known YouTube star and a popular social media personality. He was born in 1999 in Maryland and has an identical twin brother whose name is Lucas Dobre. The boys' mum is of Romanian origin and is a famous former gymnast. The family is large and very friendly, and the boys have 2 elder brothers, Cyrus and Darius. In 2014 Marcus and Lucas opened their first YouTube channel titled Lucas and Marcus, as well as their Twinbotz channel in Vine where they posted plenty of cool stuff including numerous videos of them dancing, making jokes, spending time with friends, and enjoying this life. Both of the channels immediately started gaining popularity, and as of the early 2023, there are over 39 million subscribers of their YouTube channel. Marcus Dobre, just like his brother Lucas, is very much interested in dancing and creating videos as a part of their whole family channel, the Dobre Brothers.